My university was very lucky to receive a talk by Marc Wilson who discussed his photographic practice. A certain project about the holocaust was one of his biggest projects. He first started off with exploring landscapes and taking images of abandoned and unusual positioning of buildings, which reflected a striking aesthetic and raised interesting questions about the reasoning and significance behind the images. This led Marc Wilson to wanting to work on holocaust stories and survivors.
This included portraits, on location shoots and interviews through a sequence of photobooks. His main purpose was to take that responsibility to create awareness more than making money. As photographers, we have the power to communicate areas and issues of the world, create a movement through the photographs about the world. Marc continuously stressed that is it so important for people who know exactly what people went through, photographers hold that power to open perspectives of stories we are unaware about. This for me was very inspiring and I felt empowered by his attitude and process purpose of working. Although he needed to other jobs beside this project to maintain a living, I enjoyed how Marc was very realistic in terms of the struggles that will come along in creating project like these.
After and between discussing his practice, he shared many tips and advice which found very inspirational and aspiring to apply to my current photography practice and into the future listed below;
Networking such as social media, talking to people, connections, anything that can get your work out there, not only for the purpose of money publication but also
Working to improve the worlds views and give insight on the stories and events of the world
Don’t hesitate just to shoot
When doing a photoshoot or/and interview with someone, they can use the images
Change created role as photographer
Well received – pictures that a value for other and more.
All information and images above – credited to Marc Wilson