“If there's not an opportunity, make one” - Amelia Boston
Amelia Boston, who work within pupils’ sphere had given an online talk on the platform alongside gave a few tips with knowing how to overcome and expand presenting your work to the creative industry.
Pupils sphere is a platform in which gives an opportunity for students to present their work on Instagram, in photobook catalogues and many more to show case your work. Amelia Boston’s discovered the struggle that graduates face with getting their work commissioned and published. Therefore, Amelia and a team of people work to create opportunities for students and graduates.
Pupils sphere website provides a shop in which students can sell their books for public to purchase. Alongside featuring blogs and Instagram’s post by the team of pupil’s sphere staff and the students. Lastly the platform allows several opportunities such as the graduate show submissions on their website. Student who has tag their work under the #Pupilssphere are considered a place on their Instagram page to share their photography practice with an artist statement. This provides a vast amount help for student who particularly need help in networking their own and working as freelancers.
Few tips that stood out to me were :
Making sure your public profile is suitable and ready for any employers and public and artists viewing your website or search
Using the correct approach to reaching out to people differ depending on which platform you are talking to them
Take advantage of the facilities that university gives to you as they won’t be available and easy to access after graduating
When submitting images to a platform, knowing what their target audience is and if you work is accordingly appropriate for their interest.
Considering the types of roles that photographers can have, such as photo director, a photographer, a photography studio assistant etc.
Getting in touch with galleries